Saturday, April 30, 2011

I am a Versatile Headliner!

Just a quick note to all!  I am so honored!  I was chosen as a headliner at the Paper Players for Sketch 44 and my Mothers Day card!  First time I have ever been chosen for ANYTHING like this!!  I even got a badge!!


a blogging friend. Kay, named me a versatile blogger!

 So I am supposed to provide a list of 7 things about me....haha..

well, that is really not too easy! Here goes...

  1. I went gray when I was in college, so I colored my hair for 30 years before deciding to let it go natural a year or two ago.
  2. I was in a newspaper ad for a local car dealer..again in my 20's.
  3. I have never paid team sports, opting for cycling and solitary sports.
  4. I cannot swim.
  5. I do not drink coffee.....tea, yes, coffee no.
  6. I don't like mushrooms, either.
  7. I have to have at least one piece of chocolate every day.
So....I am passing this along to each and every one of my readers!  Take the badge....share with  us  things about you...and pass it along!!


Thank you SO much for taking a few minutes to leave me a note!


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